Fitness Center
The RCGC fitness center is designed bearing in mind the profile of our general membership and the sport we love and embrace. Fitness center membership has to be obtained and paid for separately and is accessible by members, their spouses, and their children (of an acceptable age).

Members will be issued with a photo ID that will have to be surrendered at the entrance to the Fitness Centre and collected again when leaving the Fitness Centre.
Children under the age of 14 years are not permitted access to the Fitness Centre. Children aged 14- 16 years may use the Fitness Centre provided they are accompanied by a parent or an adult. Junior Members with a handicap less than 18 are allowed the use of the gymnasium provided there is a written recommendation from the Golf Professional.
Use of the Fitness Centre shall be done in proper attire at all items, which includes a fitting mode of dress. Shoes must be worn at all times and a standard of personal cleanliness must be maintained by members.
Opening Hours
The RCGC Fitness Centre will be open seven days a week from 5:30 am to 9:00 pm.